Dear George,
Do you know what a Nerdfighter is? If not, go on YouTube and search for "what is a nerdfighter?"
The shorthand answer is, someone who wants to decrease worldsuck and increase the awesome level. There doesn't seem to be a particular way someone has to go about it, they can do it however they like.
The Vlogbrothers (founders and leaders of Nerdfighteria) say that if you want to be a Nerdfighter, then you pretty much are. I've decided I want to be one. But I feel that just WANTING to decrease Worldsuck and increase the awesome level doesn't necessarily accomplish anything. I've WANTED to be one for a while, but I haven't noticed a change in the suck/awesome ratio.
Right about now I know you're thinking I'm nuts. I've gone off the nerd deep end, when I usually just paddle around in the kiddie pool. But hear me out. Yes, the idea of Nerdfighters and an Community? Whatever it is called Nerdfighteria is very silly on the surface. BUT the underlying principles are good. Make the world a better place in a two pronged attack. Decrease the suck, and increase the awesome. And use the power of large numbers of people working together to do it. And have fun in the process. What is silly about that? Well other than intentional silliness just for the joy of it.
And yes, I know that to some people the word "nerd" has negative connotations. But as someone who I can't remember but who is not me once said, a nerd is just someone who is enthusiastic about something and isn't afraid to let people know it. I think one of the Green brothers said it, but i'm not sure. Whoever said it, its actually really cool. In my opinion.
So anyways George, this brings me to my current puzzle. How can I "become" a Nerdfighter?
I'm thinking I'd like to change the ratio in the world, my community, and my life. Here's what I have so far.
For the world, I'm not exactly sure what I'd like to do. I liked the idea of microfinancing even before the vlogbrothers started talking about it, but up until now I haven't really had any extra cash. It's hard to microfinance when you're unemployed. So I've been thinking about that, and I should have a tax refund coming soon. But I'm not sure if I want to do the microfinancing thing. I'm also on a Relay For Life team with the American Cancer society, so I could put a lot of effort into that and increase the world awesome level that way. There are a lot of options, soooo many things need doing around the world. Its kindof paralyzing. I'm thinking I should start small, help microfinance a loan and work on the fundraising for the Cancer Society. And then worry about world peace after that. :-)
You know I used to volunteer with the Red Cross on their Disaster Action Team, and I've been missing that lately so I'm going to see if I can start again. So that will help decrease the suck in my community. And increase the awesome for me personally. Nothing feels better than being able to help someone when everything's going wrong and they don't know what to do.
In my life? Well I ranted to you yesterday about my work thing. So I am trying to figure out how to change that. I've decided a couple things. FIRST I'm going to decide to be happy. Yes, you actually can choose how you feel. Not all the time, but I can act like it until I am. That brings me to my SECOND thing, I'm going to fake it until I make it. If I'm feeling excluded and insecure, fine. No problem. I'm going to act like I'm not. Today I invited myself to lunch with a group from work. It was fine. Granted, I'm still at a loss on what to talk about. But I was there. THIRD? I want to figure out a way to increase the level of happiness in the people around me. I'm still working on that one. I was thinking about anonymous random presents on their desks. Nothing expensive! But something small and silly, maybe a toy to play with on their desks or something. Origami cranes in bright paper. Something to decorate their cubicles with. Little pieces of candy.
Something to make them feel good, you know?
And I think when people feel good it's easier to be nice to other people. And if I do it anonymously then maybe they'll be nice to everyone because they won't know who was nice to them.
So that's what I have today George. Decrease the level of suck, increase the awesome, and feel like I'm a "real" Nerdfighter.
Now if I could just clean my bedroom...I'm in danger of being buried under my laundry...
G'night George.
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